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Hexbug Pet Toy

Hexbug Pet Toy
Hexbug Pet Toy
This product has a minimum quantity of 12

Cats are lazy beings and this fact is now accepted by all cat owners! Cats can laze at a single place all day long denying all kinds of stimulation to stay active. But one thing that can surely attract your cat’s attention is the HEXBUG Nano Robotic Cat Toy! Designed to play like a bug and exhibit real-life movements, the robot’s realistic behaviour can fool not just cats but also humans. This uniquely designed toy stimulates a cat’s natural instinct to chase its prey.

With the use of vibration technology, the HEXBUG cat toy autonomously navigates in the house and changes direction automatically after bumping into anything. It tickles your feline friend’s hunting instinct and allows it to chase and trap its unsuspecting prey. Best suited for hard and flat surfaces, you should avoid using this interactive cat toy on carpeted floor.Designed to exhibit realistic random movement, this HEXBUG mouse cat toy is sure to hold your cat’s attention and keep it busy for hours.

Featuring a soft and colourful furry tail, this cat toy has more than one element to call the attention of nearby cats. Ready-to-use, this cat toy comes with batteries so you can take it out and let your feline enjoy. Please remove toy from pet if any part becomes loose, damaged or detached. Also, this toy is intended for pets only.

  • Stimulates a cat’s hunting instinct by letting them to chase
  • Features a vibrant furry-tail to attract cat's attention
  • By using vibration technology, it scampers and scurries all around the house

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