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Rainbow High

Rainbow High

Rainbow High Fashion DollsLITTLE SISTER: Finally, you can create stories with your favourite dolls’ little sisters; meet Violet Willow’s little sisters – Monroe/Amethyst/Madison/Opal. All are natural performers. And they loves to make videos together FASHIONS DOLLS: Monroe/Amethyst/Madison/Opal..
Rainbow High Design & Style Locker Playset - With Shelves, Hangers, Accessories, and Stickers  INSPIRE KIDS TO BE CREATIVE: The official Rainbow High locker playset as seen in the animated series. It is ideal for storytelling play. Includes customisable stickers, shelves, hangers, acce..
ADORABLE FEATURES: All dressed in an adorable outfits with matching  slippers, they have  adorable younger faces sculpt, beautiful long straight hair , long eye lashes and glass eyesPYJAMA PARTY ACCESSORIES: Each of your favourite friends brings their favourite activity to the PJ PartyThey..
Let your true colours shine just like a rainbow with the Rainbow High Swim & Style Fashion Doll.Ruby/Sunny/Skyler/Violet is dressed in head to toe in a Swimsuit. They have beautiful long curled hair, long eye lashes . They are ready for a day of fun with friends in her adorable-shoulder swimsuit..
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